
Meet our PDF to Excel libraries for the PDFTables API

Meet our PDF to Excel libraries for the PDFTables API

If you aren't already aware, PDFTables has an API! You can interact with it in a number of languages, including Python, PHP, Java and many more.

In the past, we provided example snippets on our PDF to Excel API page for each of the languages.

We're always looking for ways to make it as easy as possible for developers to use our API, so we've decided to package each API into easy-to-use libraries and host them on GitHub!

Here are the new libraries, and links to the GitHub repositories with examples:

Python - pdftables/python-pdftables-api

PowerShell - pdftables/powershell-pdftables-api

PHP - pdftables/php-pdftables-api

C# - pdftables/csharp-pdftables-api

VBA - pdftables/vba-pdftables-api

Java - pdftables/java-pdftables-api

R - expersso/pdftables (Unofficial package)

C/C++ - pdftables/c-pdftables-api

Go - pdftables/go-pdftables-api

Node.js - pdftables/nodejs-pdftables-api

If your favourite language isn't listed here, and you'd like help, contact us.

Check out our API page for your unique API key, basic usage examples and format options. uses cookies to provide a service and collect information about how you use our site. If you don't want us to collect information about your site behaviour, please go to our privacy page for more information. Read about our use of cookies.